Available Temperature Ranges for Temperature Recorders


Chart names

Example: TTC 15.30 -24 or TTC 15.30 -7

15 = inner edge temperature limit, 30 = outer edge temperature limit, -24 or -7 = time of chart rotation, either in hours or days.


The narrower the range of the chart, the better the resolution, and the easier it is to determine the temperature. If the fridge runs at 4 °C, choose TTC 20.5-7 or TTC 25.0-7 chart.

The graph has the best resolution at the outer edge of the chart. If the freezer runs at -18 °C, choose TTC 0.25-7 chart.

Standard and Reversed Charts

Most charts are standard: the lowest temperature is at the inner edge of the chart, highest temperature at the outer edge of the chart. However, if your expected temperature range is closer to the minimum limit, it may be better to choose the reversed chart, where the highest temperature is at the inner edge of the chart and the lowest temperature at the outer edge of the chart. The image of a chart on this page is the TTC 20.5-7S, a special reversed chart for blood fridges, where -5 °C is at the outer edge and 20 °C is at the inner edge. The shaded area is where the temperature of the blood fridge should be.